The functions of the secretary can be divided into the following two parts:-

(A) Secretarial Functions :- Secretarial functions can be divided into the following two parts :-
- Secretarial work before amalgamation: Before the amalgamation of the company, the promoter has to perform many functions. Many documents like councilor memorandum, councilor’s article, etc. have to be sent to the registrar of the company. Therefore, initially he works as a secretary unofficially.
- Secretarial work after amalgamation: Even after the amalgamation of the company, the secretary has to perform many functions of secretarial nature. In fact, the work of the secretary starts only after the amalgamation of the company.
(B) Managerial Functions :- Company management has become commercialized. Its main functions are :-
(1) planning,
(2) organizing,
(3) coordinating,
(4) motivating, and
(5) controlling.

Company management performs many important functions in the company. The company takes the help of the managing secretary in completing these tasks. That’s why the company secretary is also called the managing officer. A secretary helps in managerial work in the following ways:-
- Planning related work by the secretary: The planning work is done by the manager. The secretary assists the management by giving valuable experience and information in planning.
- Organization related work by the secretary: Management finds the best form of organization to achieve the main secondary objectives of the company, in this work the secretary gives his valuable suggestions to the management.
- Coordinating work by the secretary: To create co-operation and unity in all the departments and to coordinate the work of the company according to the main objective of the company is the work of the management. The secretary assists the management in this work.
- Motivational work by the secretary: There is a head of each department. The secretary is the surveyor of all the departments. He helps all the heads of departments subordinate to him in taking the work. The secretary is of great help to each department in planning and implementing it.
- Controlling Functions by the Secretary: Management has to resort to many techniques to control the activities of all the departments. The Managing Secretary can be successful in controlling the work of all the departments only through the office.