Financial Planning
#Nature of Financial Planning #Need of Financial Planning #Objects of Financial Planning #Type of Financial Planning #Factors Determining Financial Planning #Characteristics of Sound Financial Plan #Importance of Financial Planning #Limitation…
Statutory meeting
Here you will study all these in detail:- Definition of statutory meeting Legal provision relating to statutory meeting Duties of secretary regarding statutory meeting Annual General Meeting Statutory Provisions regarding…
World Trade Organisation & Indian Agriculture
#Objectives of The World Trade Organization #Working of WTO #Negotiations on Agriculture #WTO and India #Indian Agriculture and WTO
Meaning and definitions of company
Section 3(1) of the Companies Act 1956 defines the word ‘company’. A company organized and registered under this Act or an existing company. We often hear about the persons working…
Rural Development in India
Introduction What is Rural Development Origin and Development Concept of Rural Development Definitions Characteristics of Rural Development Components of Rural Development Objectives of Rural Development Significance of Rural Development Summary…
Company Features
1) Artificial person by law :- The company is an artificial, invisible, imaginary and intangible person created by law. A company is said to be an artificial person created by…
Economics Policy 2023
#Meaning and Definition of economic policy #Characteristics of economic policy #Objectives of economic policy #Instruments of Economics Policy
Enforcement requirement in the company
Enforcement is needed for the following reasons:- 1. It is the basic and first important step in the formation of a company. 2. Enforcement is the process of formation of…
Qualities of Promoters in the Company
(1) Knowledge of Acts: Although the company is established under the Indian Companies Act 1956, but other laws are also applicable to it, so the promoter has to comply…
Type of Share Capital
Share capital can be divided into the following classes:- ( I ) Registered or authorized capital :- According to the company legislation, the councilors of each share capital company have…