Various Elements of Life Insurance 2023
#Origin and development of life insurance #Meaning and definitions of life insurance #Features of Life Insurance #The need and importance of life insurance #Elements of a life insurance contract #Procedure…
Insurance : Need and Importance
#Emergence of insurance , #Scope and Types of Insurance , #Meaning and types of risks , #Need for Insurance , #Importance of Insurance #Insurance limits
Insurance: Meaning and Principles
#Insurance: Meaning and Definitions , #Features and Nature of Insurance , #Assurance and Insurance , #Principles of Insurance
Verification of assets and liabilities
#Verification of Assets: Meaning and Definition , #Verification of Liabilities: Meaning and Definition , #Objectives of Verification , #General Principles of Verification , #Valuation of assets , #Prevailing principles of…
Audit Planing and Commencement
#Objectives of the Audit Program #Composition of the audit #Advantages and disadvantages of audit program #Flexible audit program #Commencement of audit #Audit Principles, Procedures and Procedures #Routine Checking #Test Checking…
Auditing An Introduction
#History of Auditing and Development of Accounting Business in India, #Standard Audit Practices , #Bookkeeping and Accounting , #Meaning and definitions of audit, #Audit Features, #Difference Between Accounting and Audit,…
Responsibility Accounting 2023
#Introduction of responsibility accounting , #meaning and definition , #principles of responsibility , #characteristic of responsibility accounting , #difference between responsibility accounting and traditional accounting , #requirement of responsibility accounting…
Meaning of Management Information System
#Meaning of Management Information System , #Management , #Information Management , #System , #According to the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants London, #According to S. Chopra, #According to Jerome Kenter,…
Capital Budgeting 2023
#Meaning and Definition of Capital Budgeting, #Objective of Capital Budgeting, #Main Characteristics of Capital Budgeting, #Types of Capital Expenditure or Capital Projects, #Technique of Capital Budgeting, #Important Factors of Capital…
Consumer Protection Act 1986
#Meaning of Consumer Protection, #General Rights of The Consumer, #Objectives of the Act, #Consumer Protection Councils #Consumer Disputes Redressal Agency